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Obres de Wilfrid Sellars

Science, Perception and Reality, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd; London, and The Humanities Press, New York 1963. (Ciència, percepció i realitat, 1963.)

Philosophical Perspectives, Charles C. Thomas: Springfield, IL·LTRE 1967, Reimprès en dos volums. (Perspectives filosòfiques, 1967.)

Science and Metaphysics: Variations on Kantian Themes, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., London, and The Humanities Press, New York 1968. (Ciència i metafísica, 1968.)

Essays ‘in' Philosophy and Its History, D. Reaneu-el Publishing Co. Dordrecht, Holland 1975. (Assajos de filosofia de la història, 1975.)

Philosophical Perspectives: History of Philosophy and Philosophical Perspective: Metaphysics and Epistemology, Ridgeview Publishing Co.; Marduixí, CA 1977.

Naturalism and Ontology, Ridgeview Publishing Co., Marduixí, CA: 1979. [Es tracta de versió ampliada de les John Dewey Lectures de 1974] (Naturalisme i ontologia, 1979.)

Puré Pragmatics and Possible Worlds - The Early Essays of Wilfrid Sellars, ed. by Jeffrey F. Sicha, Ridgeview Publishing Co; Marduixí, CA 1980. [Amb una extensa bibliografia sobre Sellars fins a 1979.] (Pragmatisme pur i mons possibles, 1981.)

The Metaphysics of Epistemology, Lectures by Wilfrid Sellars, edited by Pedro Estimar-al, (Ridgeview Publishing Co., Marduixí, CA 1989). [Amb una completa bibliografia de les obres publicades per Sellars fins a 1989.]

Empirisme i filosofia de l'esperit, 1992 (pòstuma).

  • Pure Pragmatics and Possible Worlds-The Early Essays of Wilfrid Sellars, [PPPW], ed. by Jeffrey F. Sicha, (Ridgeview Publishing Co; Atascadero, CA; 1980). [Contains a long introductory essay by Sicha and an extensive bibliography of Sellars' work through 1979.]
  • Science, Perception and Reality, [SPR], (Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd; London, and The Humanities Press: New York; 1963) [Reissued in 1991 by Ridgeview Publishing Co., Atascadero, CA. This edition contains a complete bibliography of Sellars' published work through 1989.]
  • Philosophical Perspectives, [PP], (Charles C. Thomas: Springfield, IL; 1967). Reprinted in two volumes, Philosophical Perspectives: History of Philosophy and Philosophical Perspective: Metaphysics and Epistemology, (Ridgeview Publishing Co.; Atascadero, CA; 1977).
  • Science and Metaphysics: Variations on Kantian Themes. [S&M], (Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd; London, and The Humanities Press; New York; 1968). The 1966 John Locke Lectures. [Reissued in 1992 by Ridgeview Publishing Co., Atascadero, CA. This edition contains a complete bibliography of Sellars' published work through 1989, a register of Sellars' philosophical correspondence, and a listing of circulated but unpublished papers and lectures.]
  • Essays in Philosophy and Its History, [EPH], (D. Reidel Publishing Co.; Dordrecht, Holland; 1975).
  • Naturalism and Ontology, [N&O], (Ridgeview Publishing Co.; Atascadero, CA: 1979). [An expanded version of the 1974 John Dewey Lectures]
  • The Metaphysics of Epistemology, Lectures by Wilfrid Sellars, edited by Pedro Amaral, (Ridgeview Publishing Co.; Atascadero, CA; 1989). [Contains a complete bibliography of Sellars' published work through 1989.]
  • Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind [EPM*], edited by Robert Brandom, (Harvard University Press.; Cambridge, MA; 1997). [The original, 1956, version of [EPM] (see below), lacking footnotes added in [SPR], with an Introduction by Richard Rorty and Study Guide by Brandom.]
  • Kant and Pre-Kantian Themes: Lectures by Wilfrid Sellars, edited by Pedro Amaral, (Ridgeview Publishing Co.; Atascadero, CA: 2002). [A transcription of Sellars' Kant lectures, plus essays on Descartes, Locke, Spinoza, and Leibniz.]
  • Kant's Transcendental Metaphysics: Sellars' Cassirer Lecture Notes and Other Essays, edited by Jeffrey F. Sicha, (Ridgeview Publishing Co.; Atascadero, CA: 2002). [Contains a complete bibliography of Sellars' published work, philosophical correspondence, and circulated manuscripts through 2002.]

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